We design and conduct proofs-of-concept (PoCs), from design to post-project validation/feasibility, for ideas, innovations, and inventions in the areas with high demands on safety and performance.

Typical Fields of Application are Car Racing/Sim Racing, civil and military aviation, defense.

Life rarely is a controlled laboratory study. We drive scientific projects in the field for making products you can use in any condition.

  • Attention and gaze analytics in flight simulators. Learning better and faster.
  • Leveraging the power of immersiveness in Virtual Reality training.
  • Impact of advanced VR simulation effects.
  • Psychophysiological diagnostics of mental state, impact on decisions and situation assessments
  • Eliminating negative learning
  • Benchmarking talent, skill and drill
Picture 1: Cockpit/TraineePicture 2: SIM CockpitPicture 3: Cognitive Racing Cockpit